I. Համաձայնվեք կամ մի՛ համաձայնվեք արտահայտված մտքի հետ` օգտագործելով «That is right-դա ճիշտ է» և ‹‹That is wrong-դա սխալ է›› ձևերը:Օրինակ՝ “The capital city of Armenia is Tbilisi.” “That is wrong. The capital city of Armenia is Yerevan.” “Moscow is larger than Yerevan.” “That is right. Moscow is larger than Yerevan.”
It is very hot in winter.
It is very hot in the Sahara Desert.
Dogs like to eat grass.
Cows give us milk.
Elephants are the smallest mammals.
You can learn to swim very well by reading a lot of books about good swimmers.
The major city in Lori is Vanadzor.
II. Տառով համարակալված յուրաքանչյուր նախադասություն ունի թվով համարակալված իր տրամաբանական զույգը: Համապատասխանեցրեք դրանք: 1. She can’t drive a car. 2. You mustn’t go to work today. 3. She can buy this dress. 4. I don’t want to swim in the sea. 5. He can reach the top of the shelf.
A) It is too cold today.
B) Ben is tall enough.
C) It is cheap enough.
D) You are too ill.
E) Helen isn’t old enough.
III. Answer these questions:
Do you usually stay in Yerevan for your summer holidays?
Do you like to go to the country (village) or to a big city for your summer holidays?
Do you like to go to Lake Sevan during your summer holidays?
Where can you swim during summer?
Where can you ride a horse during summer?
Are you happy or sad to be back at school after your summer holidays?
Yes I like to go to the village or to a big city for my summer holidays.
Yes I like to go to Lake Sevan during my summer holidays.
During summer I swim in swimming pol.
I can ride a horse in our village.
Yes I am happy.